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Why my order does not appear on the Gelato dashboard?
Why my order does not appear on the Gelato dashboard?
Updated over a week ago

Sending an order from your store to Gelato

Whenever a customer makes a purchase in your store, there is a list of requirements that have to be matched for that order to be sent by your platform/marketplace to our system. Here you will find a list of those requirements:

  • Order has to be placed in a store connected to a Gelato account while the store is active

  • Order status was not changed manually in your online store

  • Order has to contain products that were connected to your Gelato account at the moment when the order was placed

  • The payment for that order has to complete in your online store connected to Gelato

  • Product variant options were changed after the order was placed

We advise refraining from making any manual changes to the order status, as that may interfere with the automated Gelato integration

What should I do in case my order did not appear in Gelato?

  • Please check if your store is correctly connected to your Gelato by selecting Stores in the Menu. The platform icon shall be displayed next to the store name and the status Active should be visible in the list (screenshot below)

Orders submitted before your store was connected will not be imported to Gelato.

  • Please check if the items included in the order are connected correctly. Once you will go to Stores and select the store, you will see a list of all products. You can additionally filter that selection by clicking on the Connected tab. The product will have a number indicating the number of variants. As long as they are not in red (which means that variants are not connected) or grey (which means that variants are ignored) as in the screenshot below, the product is connected correctly.

  • Please check if the order was paid in full. This is usually reflected by the "Paid" status on the order page in your store. If the order is still waiting for the payment to be completed, it will not be sent to Gelato before completion.

  • Please check when the order was placed. Each platform/marketplace has its own processing time for orders. In most cases, it can take up to 1 hour before the order will be imported to Gelato. For Squarespace integration, it may take up to 8-9 hours.

In case your order meets all the requirements and you have verified that using the steps above, please take a screenshot of the order details in your online store and contact us so we can investigate further.

If the affected order is time-sensitive and the order did not appear in your Gelato order list within a few hours, please consider recreating the order using the instructions here.

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