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How to import orders via a CSV file?
How to import orders via a CSV file?
Updated over a week ago

In this guide, you will find how to import a batch of orders using a CSV file. This feature allows you to import orders in bulk without having to create them manually.

Preparing the import CSV file

Download the template for the CSV file. The CSV file will have one line item per row, and orders can span multiple rows. The column orderReferenceId will be used to identify which line items belong to the same order.

For each row, you will need to provide the order reference ID, shipping details, item details, and URL for each of the print areas.

Please, refer to the Create order page in the API documentation for further information on each of the fields required in the CSV.

How to import orders via a CSV File:

  1. Navigate to your orders page and click the “Import” button

  2. Select the destination store for your orders. The imported orders will be added as placed from this store. You can also select to add them as manual orders.

  3. Upload the CSV file with the orders to be imported. From here you can also download the CSV template.

  4. Review that the destination store and import file are correct, and click “Import” to start the process.

    You will see a notification that the import process has started.

  5. We will notify you by e-mail when the import process is complete.
    The e-mail will include a summary with the total number of orders in the import file, the number of successfully imported orders, and the number of failed orders. The e-mail will also include a CSV file with the detailed results of the import. This file will contain 3 columns: orderReferenceId, result, and errors. The result column will have the value of success or failure depending on the result of the import. If the import has failed the errors column will contain detailed information about why the import failed.

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