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What happens when an order contains products that are out of stock?
What happens when an order contains products that are out of stock?
Updated over a week ago

If an order has items that are out of stock, the order will switch to the status "Failed". You will also receive an email with this information and possible options that you can choose from:

  1. Switch to an equivalent product (e.g. a different color, material, or size): You can do this by clicking “Edit” on the Gelato Dashboard - more info below.

  2. Resubmit the order when the product is back in stock: Click on "Edit" and resubmit the order when the product is back in stock - You can get guidance from our stock status page on restock time for frames & hangers. For apparel, timelines are more dynamic and we are not able to provide specific dates.

  3. Choose to not fulfill the order. You don't have to take any action if you wish to not fulfill the order. Orders received with products out of stock are automatically set to the status "Failed" and you are not charged for it.

You can also temporarily remove products from your store or mark them as “out of stock” to prevent taking orders for products that are out of stock. You can find the latest information about items that are sold out here, including planned replenishment dates.

How to edit and resubmit an order that contains an item that is out of stock

  1. If the order comes from Shopify or Etsy and the product you want to use as an alternative already is connected to Gelato then select Add product > Select existing product and follow the steps. Once the product is added you can remove the old product.

  2. If the order was created directly in the dashboard then add a new product to the order pick another variant of the product and use the same artwork again. Then you can remove the old product that is out of stock.

  3. Change the product UID. This is helpful if you know exactly which product you want to switch to and you have several orders that need to be switched then this is the fastest way.

The option for Changing product UID on a product in an order is displayed if:

  1. The order came from Shopify / Etsy and the product was originally created by selecting "Upload your print" when creating it, or if you connected the product via "Connect" and then selected "Upload your print"

  2. The order was created in the dashboard and the option "Upload your print" was used.

  3. The order was created via the API

When you change the product UID we will in some cases resize the artwork for you automatically. This happens if it is a Shopify / Etsy order and you used PNG/JPEGs with the "Upload your print" option when creating/connecting the product.

In all other cases, the artwork will not be fitted to the printable area and there might be white/blank areas. Check this in the product preview to be sure it looks like you want it before ordering.

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