Tracking Your Orders
Updated over a week ago

You have 2 ways of tracking your order:

  1. You can track your order by clicking on the tracking link while viewing your order in your dashboard.
    Clicking on the link will bring you to the carrier's website where you will be able to see the current shipment status of your order.
    The tracking link is generated when the carrier is informed that they will have to pick up the order from the fulfillment center. It may take some time before the link becomes active and reflect updates.

  2. Checking parcel shipping status in the order screen under shipping history. This is an easy way to see the shipment status of your orders and where each parcel is, without having to check the carrier tracking pages.


Finding additional information from tracking links

On the website of certain carriers, it is possible to find secondary links that may reveal additional information about the parcel.


Clicking on the link from the dashboard will bring you to a page similar to the one below.

It is possible to click through to another page by clicking on the hyperlink next to result_parcelTracking_resultTrackingVendorId which may provide additional information about the shipment.


You can also paste the reference number into the search bar above and click on the vendor tracking number, which will open a new window for the local delivery service. On the local tracking page, more updates may not be visible on Asendia's tracking page.


In this case, the Swiss local page, La Poste, had actually marked the parcel as delivered.



Clicking on the link from the dashboard will bring you to a page similar to the one below.

When the field is available, you can add in the recipient's postal code to reveal more precise information like the person who signed off on the package receipt.

For international shipments, it may also be possible to click the button "Shipment tracking in foreign countries" to open another window with the recipient's local carrier office for more local-specific information.

Sometimes, there may be a delay when a shipment leaves the origin country and may not show in the destination office's link until the shipment is scanned in the country upon arrival.



The parcel will be sent with a service that goes directly to the service point. The receiver will get either an email or app notification or a letter with details to pick it up. Orders sent as letters (Varubrev) might be delivered directly to the mailbox.

Follow the link from the dashboard to access tracking details. They will contain a full overview of the shipment history, parcel information (ex. measurements), QR code, and service point as a final destination.

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