What if an order is late?
Updated over a week ago


Based on the information you see, there are several cases:

Order on time: The estimated delivery date has not passed yet

Please wait a few more days until the estimated delivery date has passed before you contact Gelato. In the meantime, you can monitor the tracking link.

Order not dispatched: The estimated delivery date is already in the past and the order has not been shipped

If the order is still in status "Printed" (not "Shipped") even past the estimated delivery date, please reach out to our Gelato Support team for further assistance.

Late shipping: The estimated delivery date is already in the past and the order has been shipped

If the order is in status "Shipped" and it is past the max estimated delivery date, please check the tracking link for your order, as well as the order status and history.

  • If there are recent updates in the tracking history, please wait for a few more days before you reach out to us and continue to monitor the updates.

  • If there are no updates for several days, please reach out to our Gelato Support team for further assistance.

The estimated delivery date provided is based on information from carriers and is not a guarantee. For international shipments, there may be several days in between tracking updates due to customs clearance processes.

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