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Order issues
Placing an order
There was an issue with the payment. Message from the payment provider is: "Refused"
There was an issue with the payment. Message from the payment provider is: "Refused"
Updated over a week ago

If you are getting this error, it means that there is an issue with the payment method selected to pay for your order.

Check with your bank or payment provider

We suggest checking with your payment provider or trying with a different credit or debit card. Your payment provider or card supplier will be able to confirm if they have blocked any payments from their end. Once the problem is resolved from their end, you can try to complete the order again by clicking on the Edit button.


Common reasons for this error:

  • Insufficient balance

  • Card limit

  • Failed 3D verification

  • Incorrect or incomplete billing address

  • Your card or bank may not support international transactions

  • Your payment provider may have blocked your card for your own security

  • Unsupported payment method

    • You may be using a payment method that we do not currently support. We accept most credit cards, including VISA, MasterCard, and JCB. We also accept PayPal. You can read more about the payment methods we accept here.

If payment is refused, the charge may show as "pending" in your bank account for up to 5 days while it is reversed by your bank. Once this occurs, the charge should simply disappear.

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