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How can I delete a product or variant from my Etsy store?
How can I delete a product or variant from my Etsy store?
Updated over a week ago
  • Deleting a Product from Gelato

It is now possible to remove products in your Etsy store from Gelato directly. You can do this for products and variants that are connected as well as those that are not connected.

To delete a variant or product, click on the three dots on the row of the product and select Delete.

You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Once you confirm, the deletion will be synchronized through to your Etsy store and the action cannot be undone. You will have to add the product again either from Gelato or directly on Etsy.

  • Deleting Variants from Gelato

Due to current Etsy limitations, it is only possible to delete all variants linked to a defining option and not just one variant within that set.

If you wish to delete all variations in a defining option, you can select the defining option and click continue.

You will see all variants included in the defining option before you confirm the deletion. Once you confirm, the deletion will be synchronized through to your Etsy store and the action cannot be undone. You will have to add the variation again either from Gelato or directly on Etsy.

  • Deleting a Product on Etsy

To delete products from Etsy, you will need to: Go to your Etsy Shop Manager > Listings > Select the product > Delete (see below).

  • Deleting a Variant from Etsy

Due to current Etsy limitations, it is not possible to delete just one variation in a defining option but it is possible to delete all variants linked to a defining option.

If you no longer wish to put just one or some variation in a defining option for sale, you can choose to hide the variant from your store visitors instead by toggling the visible option.

  • Sync Products after Deletion in Etsy

After deleting products or variations in Etsy, you will have to sync products for the deletion to be reflected in Gelato.

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