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How can I delete a product or variant from my Shopify store?
How can I delete a product or variant from my Shopify store?
Updated over a week ago

Deleting from Gelato

It is possible to remove products and variants in your Shopify store from Gelato directly. You can do this for products and variants that are connected as well as those that are not connected.

To delete a variant or product, click on the three dots next to Edit or Edit variant and select Delete.

You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Once you confirm, the deletion will be synchronized through to your Shopify store and the action cannot be undone. You will have to add the product again either from Gelato or directly in Shopify.

You can see how deleting a product and variant will look below.

If deleting your product from Gelato as described above does not work, please check the product in your Shopify store's product section and follow the steps in the following section.

Deleting from Shopify

Another way to delete a product is from your Shopify store: Go to your Shopify store > Products > All products > Select the product > More actions > Delete products (see below).

You will have to sync products for the deletion to be reflected in Gelato.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 11.51.36.png
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