This article outlines the requirements for shipping addresses, which vary depending on the destination country. These requirements are crucial for ensuring your package is accepted by our shipping providers.
Understanding Shipping Address Requirements
To ensure a smooth shipping experience, it's important to adhere to the address requirements set by local shipping providers in the destination country. Failure to meet these requirements may result in your order being placed on hold. You will be notified to update your address and place a reorder.
Here are some key requirements:
Character Limits: Each address field has a character limit to comply with shipping label constraints.
Valid Postal Code: Ensure your postal code is accurate, including the correct number of digits and permissible characters.
Phone Number: Some shipping providers, especially for express deliveries, require a valid phone number. The maximum length is 10 digits (country code can be omitted for UAE).
Country-Specific Requirements
Specific countries have unique shipping address requirements:
China, Japan, and South Korea: Shipping addresses must be provided in the local language, with a limited number of Latin characters allowed for address lines.
Brazil: Additional requirements are in place to comply with local tax regulations. Learn more about shipping to Brazil.
Australia, Brazil, Chile, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States: The state code is mandatory for these countries. For more details on state codes, refer to this guide.
Italy: Shipping addresses must be within the limit of 35 characters. You can shorten words where possible, e.g. Viale → V.le, Piazza →, Largo → L.go.
Additional Tips for Accurate Shipping
Follow these additional tips to ensure your shipping address is accurate and complies with all requirements:
Special Characters: Avoid using special characters in address fields, except for .,\-'().
Separate Billing Address: When placing an order, provide your billing address instead of checking the "Same as shipping address" box. This ensures your shipping address is saved as billing data and your customer's information remains private.
Address Line Character Limits
While the general limit for address lines is 35 characters, Germany and Brazil have specific exceptions:
Country | Address line1 | Address line2 |
Germany | 40 | 25 |
Brazil | 35 | 30 |