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Delivery for submitted combination of products isn't possible to chosen destination
Delivery for submitted combination of products isn't possible to chosen destination
Updated over a week ago

If you are getting this error message:

"Delivery for a submitted combination of products isn't possible to chosen destination"

It means that the specific product you are trying to order can't be produced in that specific location.

This might be caused by several factors - some examples below include recommended solutions.

  • Frames, hangers, and framed posters: We have global availability of these products so this error shouldn’t occur. If this happens please reach out to our Customer Support team with information on the product(s) you are trying to order, the shipping address, and a screenshot of the error.

  • Cards, Calendars, and Roll-ups: It is possible that you selected a specific format that is not supported in that country. These items are region-specific to North America and the Rest of the World. Please double-check our product catalog to ensure that you are not ordering a region-specific item that may not be supported to the destination location, find the closest alternative and order that instead. If the item is supported in the catalog but you still get that error, please reach out to our Customer Support team with information on the product(s) you are trying to order, the shipping address, and a screenshot of the error.

  • Packaging Inserts and Branded Labels: You can only place a manual sample order delivered to the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Germany to see how the products and your designs of the Packaging Inserts and Branded Labels look in real life. These countries are where these products are currently fulfilled. We plan to expand to more countries and will inform you once you can order a manual sample order of Packaging Inserts and Branded Labels delivered to more countries.

Please note that this feature is exclusive to Gelato+ or Gelato+ Gold customers.

We currently offer automatic conversion between lb and gsm papers for posters only.

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