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My product fails to publish due to insufficient access rights to the store. What should I do?
My product fails to publish due to insufficient access rights to the store. What should I do?
Updated over a week ago

When publishing a new product to your WooCommerce store you might see an error stating "product can not be published due to insufficient access rights to your store".

If this happens, you probably need to update your htaccess file so that it includes the correct rules. HTTP Headers send information on what is allowed when communicating with other parties.

Please follow the steps to solve the issue:

  • Update your htaccess file so that it includes the following rule: SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

  • Delete your store and connect it once again

  • Make sure that everything works fine by going to WordPress -> Gelato -> Status and confirming that all statuses are green.

If this doesn't help, please contact your server service provider to whitelist these Gelato API addresses:

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