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How can I check your product price?
How can I check your product price?
Updated over a week ago

Checking Prices in our Catalog

The prices for all our products are available in our Product Catalog accessible from our Dashboard. Depending on product, prices may differ according to the geographical area the product has to be shipped to. You can read more about this in our article Does the fulfillment region affect production costs?

To check the prices for a specific product:

  • Navigate to our Product Catalog by clicking on it on the sidebar in our dashboard

  • In the catalog, select the product category you are interested in (e.g. Wall art)

  • Select the specific subcategory (eg. Posters)

  • Select the specific product (e.g. Classic Matte Paper Poster)

  • Select the format/size you are interested in (e.g. 30x30cm or 40x40cm)

Depending on the format selected, the price will be updated on the page.


The prices displayed in our product catalog do not include taxes. Taxes applied on specific orders are determined by several factors including where you are registered, the item purchased, the shipping country, the buyer's registered location, and the production (printing) country - typically the same as the destination country. Applicable taxes are shown at checkout. For more info on taxes, please refer to our article Getting Started with Taxes.

If you are interested in the price for different quantities, please check this article.

Select the currency you want to display the prices in

You can view our prices in a different currency by clicking on the dropdown menu in the top right corner. Select Display Currency, and select your preferred currency from the list. The price on the page will update to be displayed in the new currency.


Downloading a Price List for variants of a Certain Product

It is possible to download a list of prices for all the different formats of a specific product.

  1. First, make sure you have selected your preferred price display currency as described in the previous section.

  2. On the product page, e.g. Classic Matte Paper Poster, click Full price list.

  3. A window with the table of prices for all the different formats of the specific product will be shown. Be sure to select the destination country and click Download to download the price list as a CSV file.


The prices in the CSV file, like those in our product catalog, do not include taxes.

Getting an indicative price list including your local tax rates

If you wish to obtain the price list that includes your local tax rates, first download the price list from the respective product pages in our Product Catalog as described in the previous section. You will also need to know your local tax rates.

Opening the CSV file in any compatible software (eg. Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, Google Sheets)

The actual applicable taxes on specific orders are determined by several factors including where your business is registered, the item purchased, the shipping country and the buyer's registered location, and the production (printing) country - typically the same as the destination country. Applicable taxes are shown at checkout. For more info on taxes, please refer to our article Getting Started with Taxes.

Helpful formulas:

  • =left(C2,4) - Formula for removing the currency code (eg. GBP) from the Product Price in column C (this formula should be entered in a new cell - for example, G2)

  • =G2*0.2 - Formula to calculate 20% of the value in cell G2 (this should
    also be entered in a new cell in a different row-for example H2)

  • =G2+H2 - This would be the formula to calculate the final price (Gelato price +
    relevant tax rate)

The GIF below shows how to do this, taking into account the UK tax rate(20%). You can right-click and open the GIF in a new tab or download it to see it better.


While we may have production capabilities in the destination country, products may not be printed in that country, due to technical or logistical limitations. For this reason, different tax rates may apply to different orders.

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