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Why my order has status Pending approval?
Why my order has status Pending approval?
Updated over a week ago

There are two situations when your order will have the status Pending approval and will need to be manually approved:

  1. You are using the manual order approval workflow
    By selecting Manual in the "Order Approval" section in your store settings, each and every order will need to be approved before it is sent to print, which means that orders can be edited (e.g. you can upload your customer's customized design) before they are submitted to Gelato to be fulfilled. You can find more details on the manual approval workflow here.

  2. You have placed your first order but have not provided company details
    In order to produce your order, we need to have your billing data. This is known as "Company details" in the Gelato Dashboard.

  • Go to Settings

  • Click on Company

  • Provide basic company details

  • Do not forget to save changes

Please note that the order with pending approval will need to be manually approved after the data is provided. You can check how to do it here.

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