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How can I automatically delay the fulfilment of the orders?
How can I automatically delay the fulfilment of the orders?
Updated over a week ago

This is an order workflow if you are interested in revising or changing every order information before is sent but you don't want to manually approve it.

With this workflow, the orders will be automatically approved after the time you choose.

In your store settings, you can choose a delayed time when orders are sent to production after they are sent through to Gelato.

How to do it

  • Go to Stores

  • Select your store and then Edit store details

Only the orders for products connected to Gelato will be sent to Gelato API and go through this flow. Please ensure that your store is connected and that your products are added to Gelato (if you don't have any products) or migrated to Gelato (if you already have products).

  • Choose delayed automatic approval. This means your orders will be automatically approved after 6, 12, 24, 48, or 72 hours.

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