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How can I pay for subscriptions?
How can I pay for subscriptions?
Updated over a week ago

Currently, it is possible to pay for your Gelato+ or Gelato+ Gold subscription with a credit/debit card, Paypal.

Note: Maestro cards are unavailable to be used for subscription services due to their inherent authorization requirements

Possible Error messages when signing up:

  • American Express cards

When paying for your subscription with an American Express card, you may see an error message "Could not find an acquirer account for the provided currency" or "FRAUD". This is due to a technical limitation. If you would like to pay for your subscription with your American Express card, please select USD to be your billing currency. Alternatively, we recommend you use a different card for payment.

  • Fraud error message

You may also see a message that says "FRAUD" when trying to pay for the subscription. Please ensure that your billing address is accurate and complete. If it is not possible to proceed even after verifying your billing address or trying a different card, please get in touch with our support team so we may investigate and assist you.

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