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How can I copy products from one e-commerce store to another in bulk?
How can I copy products from one e-commerce store to another in bulk?
Updated over a week ago

Many of our customers are using multiple e-commerce platforms and online marketplaces (e.g. Shopify and Etsy) to sell their products fulfilled with Gelato to their end customers. When you create a product for one platform, recreating the same product once again can be time-consuming. For this reason, it is now possible to copy your products from one e-commerce platform to another in a few clicks.

How to move products

Go to the store you want to add your products to. Click on “Create product” and select “Select a product from my stores”.


Select the store to pick products from.


Select the product(s) you want to add to your store. You can select as many as you want.


Click to continue and your products will be published to your store.


The copied products will be published but will not be visible by default to your store visitors. Go into your e-commerce store admin and review the products and then you can choose to make them visible either one by one or in bulk.

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