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Amazon S3 Bucket Set Up For Automation Process
Amazon S3 Bucket Set Up For Automation Process

Learn how to set up an Amazon S3 bucket for file storage

Updated over 6 months ago

This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up an Amazon S3 bucket for file storage. It's particularly useful for those who need a structured way to store and share files, such as print files for automatic order processing. While the guide offers a recommended setup, remember that managing and securing your files on Amazon S3 is your responsibility. Always configure Amazon S3 according to your specific security policies.

Creating Your Amazon S3 Bucket

Let's walk through the process of creating your Amazon S3 bucket:

  1. Begin by signing up for an Amazon AWS account. Once you've signed up, click "Sign-in to console."

  2. Once you're signed in, type "S3" in the search bar and select "S3".


    This opens the S3 interface. To store your files, you'll need to create a new bucket. Click "Create bucket."


    Give your bucket a unique name and choose your preferred region for storage.


    Click "Next." You can skip Step 2 without making any changes.


    In Step 3, uncheck the "Block all public access" option and acknowledge the prompt to confirm you understand the implications.


    Review your settings in Step 4 and click "Create bucket."


Uploading and Securing Your Files

With your bucket ready, let's add a file. Access your newly created bucket and click "Upload." Follow the on-screen instructions. Once your file is uploaded, open it within the bucket. Pay close attention to the "Object URL" path. The portion of the URL before the file name is crucial, as it represents the domain and folder structure you'll need when providing the full file path for tasks like order processing.


To grant access to your files, you'll need to adjust the permissions. This involves setting a "Bucket policy" using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your bucket and click on "Permissions."


  2. Scroll down to "Bucket Policy" and click on "Edit." The location of this button might vary slightly depending on your screen size.


  3. In the "Policy" text area, paste the code snippet provided below. Remember to replace "myzapierbucket" with the actual name of your bucket. Failing to do so will result in an error when you try to save.


Here’s the code snippet to paste into the bucket policy text area:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::yourbucketname/*"

Congratulations! You've successfully set up your Amazon S3 bucket and are ready to start using it.


Here are some common questions you might have:

If my order contains products without print files (e.g., frames), will the system still process it?

Absolutely! The system is designed to handle orders with items that don't require print files, such as frames or hangers. For such items, the order will be automatically approved without the need for a print file. If an order contains a mix of printable items (e.g., posters) and non-printable items (e.g., frames), the system will search for the print file associated with the printable item. Once the file is detected, the entire order will be approved and processed.

Can I apply this setup to older, pending orders?

Yes, you can. This setup works for any order with a "Pending approval" status. As long as the file names adhere to the naming conventions and are correctly placed in the S3 bucket, they will be processed, even for older orders.

In the case of bulk connection, do the images I upload to AWS need to remain hosted there permanently, or does Gelato download them and host them on own servers?

Once the products are successfully imported, Gelato downloads the images and they can be removed from your AWS storage. They do not need to remain hosted there permanently.

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