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Do you offer quantity discounts?
Do you offer quantity discounts?
Updated over a week ago

Gelato offers quantity discounts on orders with more than one unit of the same item, which can help save money on orders. The discount varies depending on the number of items in the order: if it includes 2 items, you get a 5% discount on the product price, and if they buy 3 or more items, you will get a 10% discount on the product price.

Stationery and business cards are not eligible for this discount.

Additional details about this discount:

  • the discount applies to all products in the Product Catalog, regardless of the category or the country you are ordering from.

  • the discount applies to multiple units of the same product.

  • the discount applies to the whole product cost, not only to the additional products.

  • it can be combined with the shipping discounts that come with Gelato+ and Gelato+ Gold subscriptions.

Here you can see the quantity discount in the Product catalog:

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