File digitization is a necessary step in the embroidery process. It converts designs to machine instructions.
Your designs are sent for digitization for the first order with that design
File digitization takes up to 24 hours, which is included in the delivery estimate
The preview generated on the mockup serves as a visual reference before the file can be digitized, it may not always precisely match the final result
Our digitizers decide on the types of stitches that will be the best for each design. This means that similar designs may be digitized differently and will give different results
The digitization process has strict guidelines to match available machine capabilities, so we do not accept files digitized elsewhere
A digitization fee is charged per embroidery area. We charge JPY 700 for image files and JPY 450 for text. If the embroidery area contains both an image and text, you will be charged JPY 700
The digitization fee is charged once per design. This means you can reuse an already digitized file on different embroidery products
Hats and caps require a different digitization process than apparel and bags, so the digitized files cannot be reused, and the fee will be charged again